1. Do not file without performing a trademark search
Ideally, you would order the search on Bonamark.com, in order to let our experienced professionals verify the probability of success. This will help you ensure that your trademark is available and that there are no obstacles. However, you may search in the official TM databases.
Please note that “no identical marks” does not mean there are no similar marks. At least, you can ask us for a free consultation, even if you are not interested in ordering the trademark search. Our specialists have vast experience in Intellectual Property and can help you to discard potentially unregistrable marks.
2. Check for trade mark agreements
If you file in several countries simultaneously, check if the countries hold membership in any trademark treaty (in The Madrid System, for example).
3. Do not file abroad using your local attorney
Most likely, he does not have considerable experience in filing in foreign countries and will hire an agent to do the work. It means that the price will be higher, and you might receive misinterpreted information.
4. Ask about extra trade mark costs
For example, in the US, if you do not use the trademark when filing, you will have to pay an extra fee in the end of the process to prove that you use the trademark in commerce. The fee is around US$350. In Thailand the more words you have in the description of your trademark, the higher the cost gets.
5. Avoid altering the trade mark once it is filed/registered
Your trademark in use must be the same as the filed one. If you filed Bonamark, it doesn’t mean that you can use Bona Mark; these are different trademarks. If you substantially amend your trademark, you must file a new one.
Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions.