After you file your trademark through the WIPO (Madrid Protocol) there are 2 possible outcomes: either the WIPO will accept your mark and forward it to the Trademark Offices of the countries of your interest, or it will issue an irregularity notice urging you to correct any mistakes in your application.
When you file a WIPO trademark (that’s the same as a Madrid Trademark), what you do is ask the WIPO to send a copy of your application to each country you paid for. When the trademark application is received in a country, the local Trademark Office starts a local examination process, similar to the standard one you have when filing a trademark manually.
This offer applies only to Small and Medium (0-250 employees, less than 50 mln euros turnover) Companies REGISTERED in the European Union (in any country) and applies to trademarks/designs filed from January 10, 2022 to December 16, 2022 in ANY country of the EU, in the EUIPO, and/or in the WIPO.
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