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When you truly own a registered mark you can be sure that no one will come and register it forcing you to change your brand. You can focus on developing your business in confidence.

Registering your mark sounds easy. Like getting a domain name! You just pick it up on a website, check if it’s available, then hit “register” and within 10 minutes the name is yours. Brand registration works the same way, right? Well, actually no.

What's a trademark study aka search a.k.a. research aka availability search?

Check our short 1 minute video and learn in a minute.

Guides & Tips

​​​​​​​First of all, it’s not about how much you need to pay to get your trademark registered. It’s about how much your trademark costs if you decide to sell it and how to determine its selling price.

5 min
IP Protection
The Madrid Agreement ( WIPO) – probably the first thing that comes to your mind when considering filing for an international trademark. And it's true that the majority of people think they may obtain global trademark protection using this system. However, first of all, not all countries are members of the Madrid Agreement.
IP Protection

A complete guide to registering a trademark in India prepared by our local attorneys. Learn the types of registrable trademarks, the registration process and how to protect your trademark in India.

Guides & Tips

When getting a trademark in the EU (European Union) there might be a lot of confusion. Do local offices maintain separate registers? How do they coexist with the EUIPO? We'll try to explain how trademarking in the EU works.

5 min
Guides & Tips
When filing your trademark in the USA, it is required to specify in the application a basis for filing. There two main bases - "Actual Use" and "Intent-to-use" basis.
Guides & Tips

The process of trademark registration is not that easy, especially when it comes to the registration in the USA.

Guides & Tips

You want your business to be successful and provide you with a living doing what you love. We at understand that getting a trademark is not the most important task you have and that you do not have time to go through all those legal books, articles and FAQ’s.

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