A complete guide to registering a trademark in India prepared by our local attorneys. Learn the types of registrable trademarks, the registration process and how to protect your trademark in India.
When getting a trademark in the EU (European Union) there might be a lot of confusion. Do local offices maintain separate registers? How do they coexist with the EUIPO? We'll try to explain how trademarking in the EU works.
The process of trademark registration is not that easy, especially when it comes to the registration in the USA.
You want your business to be successful and provide you with a living doing what you love. We at Bonamark.com understand that getting a trademark is not the most important task you have and that you do not have time to go through all those legal books, articles and FAQ’s.
The difference is fairly simple when we talk about words. Trademarks cover separate words and sentences and copyright covers long texts. What can be copyrighted normally can’t be trademarked and vice versa. But this applies only to the word parts, when we come to protecting logos, everything is quite different.
A logo can be protected by copyright and trademark at the same time!
How to avoid the confusion and get an optimal protection for your trademark/logo?
Here are the steps you should take if you're curious as to how a phrase can be trademarked. These steps are as applicable for someone who wants to trademark a phrase for a T-Shirt as they are for someone making a fitness or lifestyle brand, so don't worry about them not applying to you.
What Amazon requires to accept your brand? In some cases you have everything in place: you registered your trademark, you have a website, you printed the name of your trademark on the packaging and products. What can go wrong?
So, you want to know more about these bad boys, ™ , ®, ©? You came to the right place! Go on reading!