Finland trademark search & registration
Finland is a WIPO member and a country that takes brand protection seriously. Finland trademark search is an excellent starting point to find out how defensible your company name is.
Finland has European Union membership, and you may also have a limited degree of additional trademark protection in other EU member states as a consequence.
Trademark Search in Finland
Finland strongly encourages applicants to conduct preliminary examinations (trademark search). The country system does permit searches to be conducted in English, and Bonamark is happy to lend a hand to anyone who requires assistance trying to find similar trademarks to their own.
Finland Trademark Office - Procedures and Fees
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Finland Trademark Office only accepts applications in Swedish or Finnish.
- Online application fees run €225, and you can also file by the paper for €275.
- International registrants may also be able to do cheaper registrations under the WIPO Madrid Protocol in Finland for €155.
- No value added taxes are applicable.
Simple modifications, such as changing the name or address on an existing trademark, are offered at no additional charge.
During your trademark search in Finland, you may uncover a trademark that you believe infringes on your existing intellectual property. Finland offers the chance to submit an application expressing opposition to a trademark, and it costs €275 to file. If you need an extension on an official action, a €55 fee will be assessed.
Renewals cost is the same as trademark registration in Finland. However, it can not be filed more than one year prior to trademark expiration date.
Trademark registration - how long does It take?
If your case goes smoothly, you can expect your application to be processed within four to five months. Once it has been processed, initial official actions will take an additional three months. The country publishes a Trademark Gazette every two months that you can check, and you'll also be sent an official certificate of registration if your trademark is approved.
As is the case in most countries, confusing similarity is the most likely grounds for a trademark to be rejected, but appeals are allowed.
When trademark registration is done, it will be considered valid for 10 years. You can continue to renew your trademark for additional 10-year periods on an indefinite basis.