Kuwait trademark search & registration
Kuwait Trademark Office
P.O. Box 2944
Code No.:13030
Kuwait City
(965) 22 48 3731
Conducting a Kuwait trademark search is one of the most challenging tasks in the industry, even though Kuwait is a WIPO member.
The country's patent, copyright and trademark system does not allow the downloading of online forms or the use of internet search to check for existing trademarks, and this can pose the unique problem of having to deal more directly with official agencies in the country. International trademark holders, however, can use the services provided by Bonamark to see that their rights will be defended.
Kuwait Trademark Search
Kuwait, like most WIPO members, respects the "first to file" principle regarding the use of a name by a business. While a WIPO member, Kuwait is not a signatory to the Madrid protocol, and international applications cannot be designated in the country.
Any interested party has the right to oppose an application, but opposition must be registered within 60 days of the date of publication for an application.
Bonamark's goal is to make sure the process of searching in such a difficult environment will go as smoothly as possible. The service ensures that all vetting of names a customer might wish to use in Kuwait will be thorough.
Trademark Registration - Procedures and Fees
Paper copies must be submitted as part of any trademark registration in Kuwait.
- The country asks applicants to fill out a paper form available from its trademark office, and they must also include 12 images of the trademark.
- Copies of a commercial license and a commercial register certificate are also expected.
- You'll also need to provide authorization, signature and copies of both.
- A power of attorney should be also included.
How Long Does Trademark Registration Take
The fee for an initial Kuwait trademark search is only one Kuwaiti dinar (approximately $3.30). Once you wish to apply, it is 7 KD for the application, 10 KD for the announcement of the trademark and a final 7 KD for the actual registration.
As is common in WIPO countries, the trademark can be renewed every 10 years after initial approval.
Periodic statements of use are not required in Kuwait.
Initial processing of registrations usually takes between 8 and 10 months. Once an application has been processed, an examination should take about two to three months.