- Trademark & Patent Office of Taiwan: The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO).
- Address: 3F., No. 185, Sec. 2, Sinhai(Xinhai)RD., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Phone number: +886-(02)-2738-0007
The office applies the current version of the Nice Classification, you can find acceptable goods and services in this link.
Our professional trademark attorney in Taiwan will prepare and file your trademark for registration in the country. Trademarks are filed at the Intellectual Property Office, Taiwan uses the "first-to-file" policy.
No evidence of use is required upon filing of a trademark application.
Taiwan is not a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol. Therefore, Taiwan doesn’t participate in the international trademark registration system (Madrid System).
Guide to Trademark Registration in Taiwan
In Taiwan, registering a trademark can include multiple classes. However, registering a slogan can be challenging unless it's well-known within Taiwan.
For joint trademark ownership in Taiwan, all parties must be named in the application. One owner can be designated to represent all in the trademark registration process and to receive official communications.
Eligibility for Trademark Registration in Taiwan
Eligible for trademark registration in Taiwan are signs that are distinctive and graphically representable, including:
- Words,
- Names,
- Acronyms,
- Letters,
- Numbers,
- Devices,
- Emblems,
- Colours or colour combinations,
- Three-dimensional forms,
- The three-dimensional form of a good or its packaging,
- Sound marks, and other sign combinations.
- The Trademark Act in Taiwan also recognizes motion, hologram, position, scent, tactile, and taste marks.
Requirements for Trademark Registration in Taiwan
- Applicant type: individual or company.
- Complete owner's name.
- Full address of the owner.
- Contact phone number.
- Mailing address for certificate delivery.
- List of goods/services for the trademark.
- Class or classes of goods/services.
- The trademark itself.
- Power of Attorney (signed and scanned).
The Trademark Registration Process in Taiwan
The typical timeframe for trademark registration in Taiwan is 10-12 months. The process includes formal examination, distinctiveness evaluation, and a search for prior trademarks.
Trademarks deemed non-distinctive can still be registered if they've acquired distinctiveness through use.
Following registration, the trademark is published in the official gazette, with a 3-month opposition period.
Duration and Validity of a Registered Trademark in Taiwan
A registered trademark in Taiwan is valid for 10 years, renewable for subsequent 10-year periods. Non-use of a trademark for 3 continuous years may lead to its cancellation.
Trademark Search and Analysis in Taiwan
Perform a free online trademark search on our website. While the database is regularly updated, we recommend a professional trademark study for a comprehensive analysis and to evaluate the registration probability of your trademark in Taiwan.
Costs for Trademark Application in Taiwan
The official filing fee varies based on the class and number of goods or services. The fee for classes 1-34 is TWD 3,000 per class, plus additional charges for more than 20 items. In classes 35-45, it's TWD 3,000 per class, with extra charges for more than 5 retail services items. The registration fee is TWD 2,500 per class.
For assistance with trademark registration in Taiwan, feel free to contact us.