Our professional trademark attorney in Aruba will prepare and file your trademark for registration in the country. Protect your brand in Aruba. Trademarks and patents are filed at the Bureau of Intellectual Property Aruba (website).
Aruba is a first-to-file country, trademark protection is acquired by registration.
For a foreign application of a registration of a trademark, a power of attorney signed by the applicant authorizing a trademark agent to act on his behalf should be submitted to the Bureau. Parties concerned may be represented with respect to the Bureau by an agent. Besides barristers-at-law holding down offices in Aruba, only persons permanently residing in Aruba who have as a profession the rendering of services in the field of intermediation in trademark affairs, are admissible as agents in the sense of the Aruba Trademarks Act.
In order to register a trademark in Aruba, the applicant has to use an acceptable description of products or services from the 11th version of the Nice Classification.
Aruba Trademark registration: Requirements
1. Name of the applicant
2. Address of the applicant
3. Description of products/services the applicant commercializes according to the Nice Classification
4. Details of the trademark
5. A signed Power of Attorney
In order to be registered in Aruba, a brand should be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of the applicant.
Duration of a trademark
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years starting from the filing date. An average registration time is 2 months.
Opposition period: an opposition is only possible within 6 months after publication of registration. Therefore, technically, this will a cancellation of the trademark.
If a mark is not used during 3 consequent years, the mark can be canceled.
Trademark Fee & Trademark Application in Aruba
The filing fee per one application in one class is 200 Florins and the final registration fee is 250 Florins. The final fee shall be paid within one month after the date of acceptance of the trademark and after receiving the payment the mark will be registered within 2 weeks. After registration, it will be published in the official Gazette.
Note, that our fees include everything for a straightforward process. The prices do not include any legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections in Aruba.
The trademark application in Aruba can be found in this link, however, a foreign applicant has to be represented by a local attorney.
We offer the following services in Aruba:
- Trademark Search
- Trademark Registration
- Trademark renewal
- Trademark oppositions
- Defenses in case of oppositions or objections/office actions in Aruba
- Trademark assignment
- Change of name/Change of Address
If you are interested in any of these services, please do not hesitate to contact us.