Trademark Registration in Portugal
Our professional trademark attorney in Portugal will prepare and file your trademark for registration in the country.
When you register your trade mark in Portugal, you’ll be able to:
1. Take legal action against anyone who uses your brand without your permission, including counterfeiters
2. Put the ® symbol next to your brand - to show that it’s yours and warn others against using it
3. Sell and license your brand
Trademark registration in Portugal: Requirements
Fill out our simple online form in just 5 minutes and a Trademark Specialist will contact you within 24 hours in order to guide you through the process.
Our attorney will file your trademark registration within 5 business days.
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years starting from the filing date.
Note, that the price of a registration request does not include final registration fees. The prices do not include any legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections.
Trademark Renewal in Portugal
To do a trademark renewal in the National Office of Portugal need a patent attorney. To update an international brand in the Madrid system, the owner is enough to write a statement. The process takes up to 6 months.
Documents are provided in Portuguese. Trademark protection must be updated every 10 years. To update the trademark simultaneously for all EU countries, the application must be submitted to the Office for Harmonization in the domestic market in Alicante.
Trademark registration in Portugal - Cost
The official fee for filing a trademark application is EUR 126.17 for the first class and EUR 31.99 for each additional class when filing online and EUR 252.33 for the first class and EUR 63.96 for each additional class when filing by paper.
We offer the following services in Portugal:
- Trademark Search
- Trademark Registration
- Trademark renewal
- Trademark oppositions
- Defenses in case of oppositions or objections/office actions in Portugal
- Trademark assignment
- Change of name/Change of Address
If you are interested in any of these services, please do not hesitate to contact us.