Our professional trademark attorney in Sudan will prepare and file your trademark for registration in the country.
When you register your trade mark, you’ll be able to:
1. Take legal action against anyone who uses your brand without your permission, including counterfeiters
2. Put the ® symbol next to your brand - to show that it’s yours and warn others against using it
3. Sell and license your brand
Sudan Trademark registration: Requirements
Fill out our simple online form in just 5 minutes and a Trademark Specialist will contact you within 24 hours in order to guide you through the process.
Trademark registration: Procedure
Our attorney will file your trademark within 5 business days after receiving all the required documents.
Trademark registration: Duration
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years starting from the filing date.
Note, that the price of a registration request includes final registration fees, if the fees are not listed separately above. These prices include everything for a straightforward process of registration. The prices do not include any legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections.