- Trademark Office of Taiwan:The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO).
- Address: 3F., No. 185, Sec. 2, Sinhai(Xinhai)RD., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Phone number: +886-(02)-2738-0007
The office applies the current version of the Nice Classification, you can find acceptable goods and services in this link.
Our professional trademark attorney in Taiwan will prepare and file your trademark for registration in the country. Trademarks are filed at the Intellectual Property Office, Taiwan uses the "first-to-file" policy.
No evidence of use is required upon filing of a trademark application.
Taiwan is not a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol. Therefore, Taiwan doesn’t participate in the international trademark registration system (Madrid System).
Trademark registration: Requirements
Multiple-class applications are possible. Please note that it is very difficult to register a slogan in Taiwan, except the case it is widely used in Taiwan.
When two or more persons wish to jointly own a trademark, the application shall be filed in the names of all the joint applicants. The joint applicants may also elect one of them to represent all the joint applicants in the process of application for registration and related affairs, and receive relevant documents on their behalf.
What is registrable as a trademark?
All distinctive and graphically representable signs, such as
- words,
- names,
- acronyms,
- letters,
- numbers,
- devices,
- emblems,
- colours or colour combinations,
- three-dimensional forms,
- the three-dimensional form of a good or its packaging,
- sound marks and any combination of the mentioned signs.
- The Trademark Act includes motion and hologram as examples of protectable objects as well as position, scent, tactile and taste.
What will be required to file your brand in Taiwan?
- Type of the applicant: individual or a company.
- Complete name of the owner.
- Full address of the owner.
- Phone number - to contact you in case if any action is required.
- Mailing address - to forward you the certificate once the trademark is registered.
- List of goods/services.
- Class or classes.
- Trademark itself.
- Power of Attorney (simply signed and scanned).
Trademark registration: Procedure
A straightforward trademark registration process takes 10-12 months. Our attorney will file your trademark within 5 business days, after receiving the required documents and details.
The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks.
Signs not deemed distinctive in the examination can be registered if distinctiveness has been acquired by use.
After registration, the trademark is published in the official gazette.The opposition period is 3 months from publication date of the registration.
Trademark registration: Duration
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of registration and can be renewed for periods of 10 years.
If a mark is not used for 3 years continuously, it may be cancelled.
Trademark Search in Taiwan
Available online, you can request a free trademark search online on our website or here:
Trademark Database which contains registered and filed trademarks in Taiwan.
The database is frequently updated and you can rely on the information you get from the website. However, we recommend ordering a trademark study as this will allow you to check the probability of registration of your trademark in Taiwan, calculated by an experienced attorney. Please note that the official search for prior registered or applied trademarks is conducted only in the class in which the application has been filed.
Trademark Application Fees
The official filing fee in the classes 1-34 is TWD 3,000 per class for up to 20 goods, plus TWD 200 per item over 20 items of designated goods. The official filing fee in the classes 35-45 is TWD 3,000 per class; while retail services of specific good in class 35 are designating, plus TWD 500 per item over 5 items of designated retail services of specific goods.The official registration fee is TWD 2,500 per class; payment by installments is no longer permissible under the newly effective Trademark Act.
If you are interested in any of these services, please do not hesitate to contact us.