Trademark Search in UAE
- Name of Office: Trademark Department, Ministry of Economy.
- Address: P.O. Box 901, Abu Dhabi
- Phone number: (9712) 6131 430
Office applies the current version of the Nice Classification, you can find acceptable goods and services in this link.
The United Arab Emirates have one federal Trademark Law which covers the 7 emirates of Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Sharjah, Ras Al-Kaimah, Ajman, Fujairah and Umm Al-Quwain.
Trademark protection is obtained by registration. It can also be obtained by the extensive public recognition.
Free Trademark Search and study
We offer a free online trademark search for availability - trademark lookup - online on this very page. We will check only identical or very similar trademarks and if you require a more detailed search - don't hesitate to request our Extensive Study.
There is no online database open to the public and our attorney will search for identical brands in The United Arab Emirates for you. We will provide you with a list of identical trademarks within a business day.
You can request our Extensive Study on trademark search in UAE if you wish to get more information regarding the possibility of registration of your trademark in the country.
Our experienced attorney will perform a throughout trademark search to determine any potentially conflicting brands in The United Arab Emirates.
Trademark Registration in UAE
The United Arab Emirates are a member of WIPO since 1974. The United Arab Emirates is a member of the Paris Convention since September 19, 1996, however, is not a member of the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol.
Each year in The United Arab Emirates 5.000 trademark applications are filed by residents, and 10.000 are filed by foreign applicants.
You can access additional information regarding IP statistics in The United Arab Emirates here.
Fill out our simple online form in just 5 minutes and a Trademark Specialist will contact you within 24 hours in order to guide you through the process. Our professional trademark attorney in The United Arab Emirates will prepare and file your trademark for registration at the Trademark Department.
It is possible to claim class heading. A separate application has to be filed for each class.
There are some exceptions in classes 32 and 33. Trademark protection cannot be obtained for alcoholic beverages. Also, trademarks for products in class 29 products containing pork cannot be registered.
Similar trademarks of the one owner can be protected together with the main trademark as associated trademarks provided that the main elements are similar and the differences are inappropriate.
A legalized Power of Attorney by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required, all the documents from non-Arab countries have to be translated locally by a certified local translator (the cost is not included in the price of registration request).
What is registrable as a trademark?
- words,
- names,
- acronyms,
- letters,
- numbers,
- devices,
- emblems,
- combinations or shades of colours,
- three-dimensional forms,
- the three-dimensional form of a good or its packaging,
- any combination of the mentioned signs.
What will be required to file your brand in The United Arab Emirates?
- Type of the applicant: individual or a company.
- Complete name of the owner.
- Full address of the owner.
- Phone number - to contact you in case if any action is required.
- Mailing address - to forward you the certificate once the trademark is registered.
- List of goods/services.
- Class or classes.
- Trademark itself.
- Power of Attorney (legalized by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Registration procedures in UAE
A straightforward trademark registration process takes 10-12 months.
Our attorney will file your trademark within 5 business days, after receiving the required documents and details.
The application process:
- filing a trademark;
- a formal examination;
- an examination of distinctiveness;
- a search for prior trademarks.
Signs not deemed distinctive in the examination can be registered if distinctiveness has been acquired by use or if there is a foreign registration in countries following substantive examination of trademarks.
Prior to registration, the trademark application is published, within 30 days from the approval, in the Trademark Bulletin and in two local Arabic newspapers, otherwise, the application will be canceled.
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of registration and can be renewed for periods of 10 years. If the trademark has not been effectively used within 5 years from registration, it may be subject to cancellation by any interested party at a court.
Trademark Application Fees
The official fee for filing a trademark application is AED 1,000 in one class. The publication fee in the Trademark Journal after acceptance is AED1,000 AED.
The registration fee of a mark in one class is AED 10,000 with a fee of AED 500 for publication in two local newspapers.
Note, that the price for a registration request does not include final registration fees (the price include the filing fee and the publication fees), which in UAE are US$3099 per trademark per class. The fees are paid only after the trademark is accepted (12 months after the filing date in case of a straightforward process).
The prices do not include any legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections, translations to/from Arabic and legalization of the Power of Attorney. The final fees may be changed by the government.
Our fees (7th of November, 2017):
- Trademark Search in one class: 149 USD
- Additional class: 99 USD
- Trademark Registration Request in one class: 1699 USD
- Additional class: 1699 USD
- Registration fees in one class: 3099 USD
- Additional class: 3099 USD
Our fees include the official fees and the legal fees.
How To Order
- Fill out a simple online form in this link.
- A Trademark Account Manager will contact you within 24 hours.
- Prepare the necessary documents.
- The trademark will be filed within 5 business day.
- We will keep you posted on the progress and inform you when the trademark registers.
Any questions? Contact us at [email protected]
Our Services
We offer the following services in the United Arab Emirates:
- Trademark Search (wordmarks only)
- Trademark Registration
- Trademark renewal
- Trademark oppositions
- Defenses in case of oppositions or objections/office actions in the United Arab Emirates
- Trademark assignment
- Change of name/Change of Address
If you are interested in any of these services, please do not hesitate to contact us.