What's a trademark study aka search aka research aka availability search?
Check our short video and learn in a minute.
Do you need a trademark study? It might be a good idea to get your brand checked before you apply for it or before you start using it.
What if someone uses it? They can even sue you if you decide to use a registered brand and such litigations will be very expensive. Even if no one uses it right now, is it similar to prior brands? It doesn't have to be identical but just very similar to get you into trouble.
What if there are similar marks? Does it mean that you need to abandon your mark and get a new one?
It depends and a good study will tell you how to get your mark registered and avoid any legal troubles.
Trademarks don’t work like domains. A registered trademark will block all similar names for all similar services. Think of Google. Registering this mark for a search engine will block any similar marks like Koogle, Gogl, Guugl and others.
A study is a very detailed trademark search, when we check all the valid trademarks to find out if your mark can be registered. You get a report with the list of all similar marks and our recommendations.
Filing a trademark is like sending an expedition. Registration can take months and even years and there is no turning back. Getting a study is like getting a map. For a fraction of cost you learn what challenges might await your brand on its way to registration. So you can get prepared!
As our data suggests, non-studied trademarks are 5 times more likely to get into trouble which will result in extra $$$ spent and even more time wasted.
• Benefits of getting a mark. https://bonamark.com/content/benefits-trademarks-explained-1-minute
• What is a trademark? https://bonamark.com/content/trademarks-101-explained-2-minutes
• What is a study? https://bonamark.com/content/explaining-trademark-studies-1-minute
• How to get a trademark? https://bonamark.com/content/registration-process-nutshell-explained-2-…
• Why Bonamark.com is so good. https://bonamark.com/content/our-value-explained-2-minutes