Conduct a trademark search to ensure that your desired trademark is available for use and registration. This is an important step in the trademark registration process, as it can help identify potential conflicts and legal issues with the proposed trademark.
A trademark search can be conducted in various ways, such as:
This application will need to include information about the trademark, such as the mark itself, a description of the goods or services it will be used in connection with, and the applicant's contact information.
Once we have received all the details of your application and your payment, we will be ready to file your application. Local attorneys will check the list of goods and services for any mistakes and will make sure that your address is translated into the local language.
A professional attorney will decrease the risk of getting a technical objection due to an error in your application. This will save you time and money in the long run.
Wait for the Trademark Office to review your application and issue a decision. This process can take several months.
Once the mark is filed, there is very little you can do but wait for the Office to examine the trademark. Your mark will be either approved or an objection will be issued. In general, there are two types of objections: substantial and technical objections.
Technical objections mean that something was wrong with your application or with the documents you submitted. There are too many different types and variants to list all of them. The most common ones are problems with your description of goods and services or a Specimen of Use rejection in the USA.
There are several reasons why a substantial trademark objection might be raised, such as:
A trademark publication is a process of making a trademark publicly known by publishing it in an official government gazette or journal. This is typically done after a trademark application has been reviewed and approved by the relevant government agency.
The purpose of trademark publication is to give notice to the public that a trademark has been registered and that the registrant has exclusive rights to use the trademark in connection with the goods or services specified in the registration.
If no opposition is filed, or if any opposition is unsuccessful, the trademark registration will be granted and the trademark will be registered.
It's important to note that not all trademarks have to be published, as it depends on the jurisdiction, in some countries, it's mandatory while in others it's not.
This happens with only around 15% applications in the EU, but we decided to add this step to inform you of the potential outcomes of your the registration process.
An opposition can be filed by someone who believes that the trademark in question is too similar to an existing trademark, and that its registration would lead to confusion among consumers.
The opposition process allows the parties to present their arguments and evidence to a panel of trademark examiners, who will ultimately decide if the trademark can be registered or not.
This is a complicated process and you would like to avoid it. The best way is to make sure that there are no similar marks by ordering a Trademark Study before you file your trademark application.
Once your trademark is registered, you have several legal benefits, including:
It's important to note that the registrant must use the trademark in commerce and renew the registration every ten years to maintain the trademark's legal protection.
If the trademark is in use, you will be required to file additional maintenance documents at specific intervals, such as between the fifth and sixth year after registration, and between the ninth and tenth year after registration.
Registering a trademark is a process that should be handled by a professional. From start to finish, from searching to sending the certificate there is a place for mistakes. Avoiding such mistakes is part of our job. We are proud to be one of the top providers of online trademark registration.
We offer international trademark registration and second to none prices for the services. Get in touch with in order to register your trademark.