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International Trademark Search in worldwide trademark database



Request a Free Trademark Search

Our team of trademark experts will conduct a manual search for identical or very similar trademarks in up to 100 countries. Here is the best part: it's completely free!

Simply tell the team of Bonamark the products or services you intend to protect with your trademark, and we will expertly identify the correct class(es) and carry out the search within those designated classes. 

Get a free trademark search worldwide


Why is our free international trademark search exceptional?

Are you familiar with trademark classes and how to determine the appropriate one for your products? Well, worry no more because our search takes care of it all! Simply tell the team of the products you intend to protect with your trademark, and we will expertly identify the correct class(es) and carry out the search within those designated classes. No need for you to worry about class selection - we've got you covered!

How to request our free search?

To initiate the trademark search process, just complete the straightforward form below. Provide us with the trademark you wish to search for, as well as the specific countries you're interested in. Once we receive your submission, we'll promptly reach out to you for additional details regarding the goods and services you offer. 

Within a day, our dedicated team will manually conduct a  trademark search, and we'll share the results with you within a day. If any identical or very similar marks are discovered, you can continue to investigate from this point. Let's get started!

Our legal specialists will check public and attorney-only international trademark databases to find out if there are any potential conflicts. We use a combination of a manual worldwide trademark search and AI-engine to find almost 100% of all similar marks and potential conflicts. You can request a free knock-out international trademark search in up to 180 countries. Simply provide us with the name of your trademark, the country or countries you're interested in, and your business niche, and we will promptly send you the search results.

Worldwide Trademark Searches conducted by are fast, comprehensive, global, and compliant with national procedures.

Not all trademarks can be registered. It's important to conduct a search before applying.

Trademarks can be deemed unregistrable for various reasons, and these reasons vary from country to country. Even well-known global brands sometimes face challenges when registering their trademarks in certain countries. To avoid wasting your money on an unregistrable trademark, you can order our Trademark Study.

Our team of specialists will assess the likelihood of your trademark being successfully registered. They will conduct a thorough search to identify any identical or similar trademarks that could pose obstacles. Our attorney will then analyze the search results and provide you with an assessment of the probability of successful registration.

If you are interested in a detailed worldwide trademark search covering multiple countries, please let us know. We can offer you a cost-effective solution for a global trademark search, encompassing over 150 countries.

Global and Local Search Packages

Basic International Search

  • List of identical trademarks
  • Learn if your trademark meets minimum requirements
  • Covers up to 150 countries

Extensive Study

From 59$ Recommended
  • List of similar and identical trademarks
  • Analysis of similar trademarks
  • Probability of registration
  • Detailed registrability report
  • Our recommendations
  • In 150 countries

Why is this important?

We will provide a report that shows similar trademarks, which could potentially hinder your application and affect the likelihood of a smooth registration process. Our attorney will give you their recommendations based on the report.

We offer 100% money-back guarantee if the studied trademark gets an objection due to a mark not mentioned in our study.

Global Trademark Search

Here is the most common question our clients ask us at Bonamark:

Can I check here if my mark is available everywhere?

The truth is that all ways to check the availability of a mark internationally are painfully slow, expensive, time-consuming, and, in some cases, unreliable. Moreover, if someone makes an effort to perform this international search, it will be mostly useless, and the one who ordered the search will not be able to take advantage of it.

Here are why international trademark search is such a complex task:

  1. Every country has its database of trademarks. There are certain treaties and associations which allow searching different databases on one website at the same time. But the results of this search will have to be evaluated independently for every country.
  2. Moreover, some countries don't even have a searchable database. Some countries won't even have any trademark laws. If we ignore those countries, the search will not be truly global. Bonamark has access to private databases maintained by different companies, even if there is no official database. But accessing those databases requires paying a subscription fee.
  3. Checking every database for similar marks is very time-consuming, as we need to find all marks that are similar in sound, visually, and conceptually. An experienced paralegal will require at least an hour to prepare a list of similar marks, even with the help of AI tools. Multiply this by the number of countries in the world, and you will have a task that can take weeks to complete.
  4. Some countries don't frequently update their databases. Certain countries upload new marks to their database every 3-5 months. This makes trademark searches in those countries unreliable. (Those are usually small countries with low levels of digitalization at the Trademark Office).
  5. Our Extensive Study in one country costs around $89. If you wish to order a paid Study in 150 countries, you will have to pay around $13,000 and our team will spend at least a week working full time preparing 150 reports in every country.

Even if you decide to invest this amount into 150 detailed Extensive Studies, you will have only 2-4 weeks to use those results as new marks are filed daily. We always recommend filing a mark as soon as possible after a Positive Study since a conflicting mark can be filed anytime. This rarely happens, but still, why increase the risk by waiting?

Our free search is an excellent tool to start the process. This is a free international knock-out search for checking several brands before ordering our Extensive Trademark Study. Knock-out or a basic search helps find identical or similar marks in almost every country. Unlike the availability check or Extensive Trademark Study, this knock-out trademark search is used to discard obviously unregistrable options without extra costs. In addition, we do this search internationally and can check multiple countries at once.

Use our free search form to find out if anyone has registered an identical trademark anywhere.

What is the difference between our free international search and paid Extensive Studies?

Free International Trademark Search

The free international trademark search is conducted by our experienced trademark consultants. They cannot provide any legal advice or recommendations but will share the search results: if they found any identical or very similar trademarks and if your trademark looks descriptive or unregistrable for any other reason. Unlike many companies, our international trademark searches are completed manually by experienced professionals.

We believe that giving direct access to the online trademark databases will mislead the majority of non-professional clients who are not familiar with how trademark similarity works. If you search for "Google12345" on some popular online trademark search websites, you are likely to receive a message that your mark might be available, while from a professional point of view, applying for such a mark will result in multiple legal issues. If you request a trademark search from us, a consultant will determine the central element of your trademark and perform the search for the central element and some variations of your trademark.

Our international free search is more likely to spot a potentially conflicting mark. We can perform the trademark search in multiple countries at the same time and provide you with results.

While we offer a free trademark search in 180 countries, it is important to note that this search is not a substitute for a professional Extensive Trademark Study. The free search serves as a preliminary assessment to identify potential conflicts, but it does not provide the same level of comprehensive analysis and legal expertise as a Trademark Study conducted by our team of legal professionals with years of experience.

While the free trademark search can give you some initial insights, the professional Trademark Study is highly recommended for a meticulous assessment of the registrability and potential conflicts related to your trademark.

Extensive Trademark Studies

Our Extensive Studies are conducted by a team of legal specialists and attorneys who possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field. These professionals are responsible for carrying out a comprehensive search and analysis to determine the compliance of your mark with the laws and regulations of the specific countries you are interested in.

This search is conducted with great attention to detail, ensuring a scrupulous examination of all possible sources of conflict.

Once the search is complete, the attorneys analyze the results to assess the registrability of your mark in accordance with local laws and regulations. They consider factors such as the distinctiveness of your mark, its likelihood to cause confusion or conflict with well-known marks, and its similarity to any protected emblems. This comprehensive analysis provides a detailed understanding of the legal landscape surrounding your mark.

The findings of the Extensive Studies are compiled into a comprehensive report that contains crucial information for your trademark registration process. The report includes the following key details:

  • Registrability: The report will indicate whether your mark is likely to be eligible for registration under the local laws and regulations of the specific countries you are targeting.
  • Distinctiveness and other Registrability Factors: It will assess the distinctiveness of your mark and determine whether it is likely to cause any conflicts or confusion with existing well-known marks.
  • Protected Emblems: The report will identify any protected emblems that are similar to your mark, which could potentially impact its registration.
  • The probability of registration of your mark: This part of the Study will provide an analysis of the probability of successfully registering your mark based on the information gathered during the extensive search and analysis.
  • Recommendations: In addition to the information provided, the report will offer recommendations on how you can increase the chances of registration for your mark.

Overall, the Extensive Studies provide a comprehensive assessment of your mark's registrability and potential conflicts. This information will help you make informed decisions regarding your trademark registration strategy, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

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