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How to get a Free Trademark?

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6 min

I asked ChatGPT how сan I get a free trademark

It all started from a search keyword I noticed: Get a free trademark. Is it really so? Can I get a free trademark? I asked ChatGPT, so you don’t have to. Then, I answered the question myself. Brace yourself, as the answer is not what you think it is. 

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Getting a trademark typically involves some costs, as it's a legal process that requires government registration and sometimes legal advice. 


  1. You can save on attorney fees by filing the trademark application yourself. 
  2. Some countries may offer waivers or reductions in government filing fees for certain applicants, such as small businesses or individuals with limited financial resources.
  3. Free Legal Clinics or Pro Bono Services.
  4. Government Programs for Small Businesses: Some governments have programs to assist small businesses, including aspects of intellectual property.


Do you know what’s wrong with all these options? None of them is truly, really, and definitely free.

But go on reading, and I will unveil something even ChatGPT does not know. How to get a free trademark. But first, I will tell more about why registering a free trademark is so damn difficult. 


Why do I need to pay for my trademark?


Why do I need to pay for my trademark?


The trademark is a monopoly the government gives you over a word, image, or slogan. This means that you get protection from the government and all its enforcement agencies. And you can imagine that the government does not want to give it for free.


As you acquire the right, some one else loses the possibility to use the trademarked word for themselves. It would be unfair that you get something and they lose something unless… Unless you actually had to pay for this!


That’s the logic behind a government fee paid to the Trademark Office to protect your brand.


So, no free trademarks here? Go on reading!


What is the real price of a free trademark?

What is the real price of a free trademark?

I return to the first piece of advice received from ChatGPT: You can save on attorney fees by filing the trademark application yourself.


This is a viable option in some countries, for example, in the EU or the UK, provided you are a national of those countries or live in them. However, this “free” tag comes at a price: you will need to do everything yourself, and your time isn’t free, is it? Apart from submitting the form, you will need to watch a few videos to understand the concept, read a few manuals, and then spend around 30-40 minutes filling out the form. 

It might be an option if you are a new business with no extra cash. But honestly, I would hire someone for this task. Except that they know what to do, a professional can add extra value to your trademark and reduce the risk of it being rejected. If it is rejected, you will lose any amount you have paid, and moreover, if you unknowingly infringe upon someone else's right, you may be liable for paying compensation. 


A professional can help you avoid this situation. Our statistics show that 45% of trademarks filed in the USA without an attorney eventually get objected by the USPTO. 


So that’s the price of a free trademark.


But if you are still into this, let’s get to the next part.


Waivers or reductions in government filing fees

I have never heard of a government waiving trademark fees. I think that’s something you would want, but more like a pot at the end of the rainbow.


A reduction of government fees is a real thing, though. The EUIPO, for example, allows EU businesses to get up to 70% of a government fee paid for their trademarks. Imagine you would pay just 255 EUR instead of 850 EUR for a trademark valid for 10 years in 27 countries! That’s less than 25 EUR per year. 


India offers a 50% reduction for individuals (both foreigners and nationals). Turkmenistan offers a 90% reduction for local businesses. 


But other countries will not offer anything like this: in the USA, you will need to pay every dollar (all 250$ of them) to get the mark. So let’s get it straight: you can get a reduction but not a 100% reduction.


Here is something AI missed: getting a dropped trademark. 

Here is something AI missed - getting a dropped trademark

Do you know that 80% of businesses fail within the first year? And what if they have a trademark they no longer need? And what if you could contact them and ask them to transfer it to you in exchange for something? Many businesses are eager to salvage what they can, even if it means getting only 10% of what they paid originally. 


Sometimes, they will agree to transfer the mark to you for free since they might like your business or feel inspired that their brand goes on after their business journey is over. 


Just a small piece of advice - get your paperwork right!


But wait! What if I tell you that there is one way to get a free trademark? Are you ready to learn it? Well, here we go!


Click below. 


Free trademarks inside.


That’s a real cliffhanger. You came so far for this, and am I to disappoint you? Will you burst into anger if I say, “No free trademarks, pal”?


Well, since we are getting to know each other, I can finally tell you the truth that took me 7 years to learn.


There is only one way to get a free trademark. It’s to get someone to pay for your trademark. You may save on legal fees and do it yourself. You may get a 50% or even 70% deduction on government fees. But still, there will be SOMETHING left to pay. And to get a free mark means that it will be technically free - but only for you.


But who could it be? An investor? A business partner? Or is there a better option? I might just have it right here:


Let's just say you don't pay... with money

Let's just say you don't pay... with money

Here I have you. Let’s say you have something that was free for you, but it’s something other business wants—for example, publicity. Let’s say you contact Bonamark and tell us, “Hey, I have this blog with 5000 visits per month. Get me a free trademark, and I will publish your ads for 2 months - for free.” That might sound like a deal. As a business, we invest thousands into ads, so why not risk a few hundred dollars to get more publicity?


What if you are a video editor and can make a video for us? Why not, we would pay 200-300$ for this anyway.


You make candles? Maybe we can find a way to send gift boxes to our partners, and we get you a free trademark.


That’s thinking out of the box right there.


Our quest for free trademarks.

Our quest for free trademarks

We made it to the end. This quest for a free trademark is over, my friend. And none of us is the same as in the beginning. Honestly, I had a lot of fun writing this article, and it made me to be more creative than I thought possible. What started as a simple question screaming to be answered by a firm “No” turned out to be something completely different.


 It turned out to be a tale of a potential partnership and cooperation between business owners and entrepreneurs to make the world a better place. 


Will you be part of this story? It’s up to you.


And here, our ways shall part, at least, for now. Thank you for being with me on this virtual journey, and I wish you the best of luck. 


With kind regards,

Vladimir Isaev

Director of



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