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flag Brunei Trademark Registration and Search

Trademark Search in Brunei

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one class with government fees

Trademark Registration in Brunei

Work with a local trademark attorney to file your trademark for registration. Take advantage of our easy, fast & efficient process. No hidden fees.

  • Experienced attorneys in every country
  • Competitive prices with zero hidden fees
  • 5000+ happy clients & many positive reviews
  • Free consultations with no obligations
  • Personal account manager dedicated to your success

When approved

One class

Final fees

In this country, there is a final publication/certificate fee when your mark is accepted to registration or publication. We will inform you when the payment can be submitted.

This fee is obligatory in order to complete the registration process. All legal and official payments are included.

Trademark application form for Brunei

Submit an online form in order to request your trademark registration in Brunei. You can pay later or have your personal consultant check your form first.

Complete 4 steps in 7 minutes
  • Current Contacts info
  • Trademark info
  • Additional services
  • Complete
  • Review and Submit


Check if your trademark is available for registration.

The results will resolve any doubts regarding your mark and give you confidence in the outcome of the registration process.

$119 £ ¥


Our AI search will constantly monitor Trademark Registers for any similar marks.

We'll manually check the results and regularly deliver reports of any conflicting marks allowing you to enforce your rights.

$189 £ ¥


Request a cost-effective trademark renewal in 150+ countries, don’t let your trademark expire.

Contact us for our online renewal process.

$699 £ ¥

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Trademark Registration in Brunei with [Case Study]

Once upon a time, there was a company selling beautiful hijabs. The company was growing rapidly, and they wanted to protect their brand in Brunei. They knew they needed to register their trademark to prevent others from using their name or logo for similar products. That's when they contacted Bonamark, a trademark attorney firm in Brunei.

Bonamark was able to provide the company with expert guidance and support in registering their trademark in Brunei. They conducted a preliminary search (Extensive Study) to ensure that the proposed mark was available for registration, and then carefully analyzed the results to develop a registration strategy that would best protect the company's interests. After finalizing the trademark application, Bonamark submitted it to the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) for examination. The application was carefully reviewed to ensure that it met all the necessary requirements for registration.

Bonamark kept the company informed every step of the way, providing updates and advice as needed. Finally, after two years of hard work, the trademark registration was complete. The company's mark was now registered in Brunei in classes 25 and 35, giving them exclusive rights to use the mark for their products and services, and the ability to prevent others from using similar marks that could cause confusion among consumers.

Thanks to the help of Bonamark, the company could rest assured that their brand was protected in Brunei, allowing them to focus on their continued growth and success.


Trademark Law in Brunei

Brunei Darussalam, like many other countries, has its own laws governing trademarks. In Brunei, the primary legislation governing trademarks is the Trade Marks Act (Chapter 98) and the Trade Marks Rules (Chapter 98A).

Under Brunei trademark law, a trademark is defined as any sign capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. This can include words, designs, logos, colors, and even sounds.


In Brunei, trademark protection is obtained through registration with the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO). A registered trademark in Brunei gives the owner the exclusive right to use the mark for the goods and/or services specified in the registration, as well as the right to prevent others from using similar marks that could cause confusion among consumers. In addition, Brunei also recognizes the protection of well-known trademarks, which are trademarks that are widely recognized by the public in Brunei even if they are not registered in the country.

Brunei has also acceded to a number of international treaties related to trademarks, including the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Madrid Protocol, which allows for the international registration of trademarks. 

How to search for trademarks in Brunei

If you are looking to conduct a trademark search in Brunei, you can do so by visiting the website of the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO). Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Visit the BruIPO website: Go to the BruIPO website. Also the database is available on EU TMview.
  2. Select "Trade Marks": Click on the "Trade Marks" tab on the top navigation menu.
  3. Click "Search Trademarks": Click on the "Search Trademarks" option from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose your search criteria: You can search for trademarks using various criteria, such as the trademark owner's name, the trademark itself, the class of goods or services, or the application or registration number.
  5. Enter your search terms: Enter your search terms in the appropriate fields and click "Search" to view the results.

Review the search results: The search results will display a list of trademarks that match your search criteria. You can click on each result to view more details about the trademark, including its status and any related applications or registrations.

How long does it take to register a mark in Brunei?

The length of time it takes to register a trademark in Brunei can vary depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the mark and whether any objections or oppositions are raised during the registration process. Generally, the registration process in Brunei can take between 12 to 18 months from the date of filing the trademark application. However, it's important to note that this is an estimate and the actual timeframe may be longer or shorter depending on the specific circumstances of your case.

Here is a rough breakdown of the trademark registration process in Brunei:

  1. Filing the trademark application: The first step is to file the trademark application with the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO). Once the application is submitted, it will be examined to ensure that it meets the requirements for registration.
  2. Examination: The trademark application will be examined by the BruIPO to ensure that it meets the requirements for registration, such as distinctiveness and non-confusion with existing marks.
  3. Publication: If the trademark application is approved, it will be published in the Brunei government gazette and on the BruIPO website. This allows other parties to oppose the application if they believe that it conflicts with their existing rights.
  4. Opposition: If any oppositions are raised during the opposition period, which lasts for two months from the publication date, the matter will be referred to a hearing officer for a decision.
  5. Registration: If no oppositions are raised or if the opposition is successfully overcome, the trademark will be registered and a certificate of registration will be issued.

Trademark Attorney in Brunei

A trademark attorney in Brunei is a legal professional who is licensed to practice law in Brunei and who specializes in trademark law. Trademark attorneys in Brunei can provide a range of services related to trademarks, including:

  1. Conducting trademark searches to determine if a particular mark is available for registration
  2. Filing trademark applications with the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO)
  3. Representing clients in trademark oppositions, cancellations, and infringement proceedings
  4. Advising clients on trademark protection strategies, including brand development and portfolio management
  5. Drafting trademark license and assignment agreements

Trademark attorneys in Brunei may work in law firms or as independent practitioners, and may have experience in a variety of industries and sectors. It's important to choose a trademark attorney who is knowledgeable about the trademark laws and practices in Brunei, and who can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.



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