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Trademark Search in Japan

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$549 £ ¥
one class with government fees

Trademark Registration in Japan

Work with a local trademark attorney to file your trademark for registration. Take advantage of our easy, fast & efficient process. No hidden fees.

  • Experienced attorneys in every country
  • Competitive prices with zero hidden fees
  • 5000+ happy clients & many positive reviews
  • Free consultations with no obligations
  • Personal account manager dedicated to your success

When approved

One class

Final fees

In this country, there is a final publication/certificate fee when your mark is accepted to registration or publication. We will inform you when the payment can be submitted.

This fee is obligatory in order to complete the registration process. All legal and official payments are included.

Trademark application form for Japan

Submit an online form in order to request your trademark registration in Japan. You can pay later or have your personal consultant check your form first.

Complete 4 steps in 7 minutes
  • Current Contacts info
  • Trademark info
  • Additional services
  • Complete
  • Review and Submit


Check if your trademark is available for registration.

The results will resolve any doubts regarding your mark and give you confidence in the outcome of the registration process.

$119 £ ¥


Our AI search will constantly monitor Trademark Registers for any similar marks.

We'll manually check the results and regularly deliver reports of any conflicting marks allowing you to enforce your rights.

$189 £ ¥


Request a cost-effective trademark renewal in 150+ countries, don’t let your trademark expire.

Contact us for our online renewal process.

$699 £ ¥

Contact Us

Trademark Services

Learn more about our services & prices in the country
1st class Extra class
Filing Request $549 459
Filing Request (Combined Mark) $549 459
Final Fees $599 449
Renewal $699 Ask
How to avoid extra fees when filing for a Trademark in Japan

There is a final (registration) fee for 10 years of $549 in Japan. It is possible to pay $349 for 5 years.

When filing for a trademark in Japan with Bonamark our fees include everything for a straightforward process. There is an extra price to respond to an objection if there is a similar mark or if your mark is unregistrable for a different reason. How to avoid this fee? Ordering our Study virtually nullifies this risk.


How much does an extra class cost? An extra class is US$409 and the final fee per extra class is US$409, the official fees are included.


What documents are required in Japan? No additional documents are required.


 There are 3 main types of trademarks in Japan: a logo (a design mark), a wordmark, a combined mark and a few non-traditional types.

Apple logo

1. A logo example. No word elements.



2. A wordmark example. A simple word
in any font, without any design elements.

alfa romeo logo

3. A combined mark aka wordmark+logo

Filing plan:

1. Start with a Free TM Search. We will check if there are any obvious conflicts. You will know if it's worth moving forward with the mark.

2. Attorney's opinion (a.k.a. Study) In some cases we may recommend asking our attorney to review the case and prepare a detailed registration report. That's an optional non-obligatory service.

3. Request registration of trademark in Japan. The process is completely online and we'll request your mark within 3-5 days and you will get a filing confirmation.

Detailed Trademark Fees

Trademark services in Japan
Service type Price, USD
Filing, extra class 409
Final fees, extra class 409
Assignment/Trademark Transfer 660
Responses to non-substantial objections up to 400
Responses to substantial objections 400-890
Filing an opposition 1100
Renewal, 1st class 679
Design Patent registration 1299

Detailed Process Explanation:


A straightforward trademark registration process in Japan takes 8-10 months. Our attorney will file your trademark within 7 business days, after receiving the required details. The application number is issued within 3 days after filing a trademark registration application.

The application process includes a formal examination and a substantial examination: an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks.

Signs not deemed distinctive in the examination can be registered if distinctiveness has been acquired by use.

  • Filing - 7 days
  • Formal examination - 1 month
  • Publication in the Trademark Gazette (Shohyou Koukai Kouhou) - 2 months
  • Substantive examination - 3 months
  • Issuance of the registration certificate - 1 month
  • Publication in the Trademark Gazette - 3 months

Basically, the JPO does not request the applicants to file any evidence of the use of the mark. Once the mark is accepted to registration a registration fee must be paid within a month from the date of acceptance.

However, if the applicants designate many categories of goods/services in one class, the applicant has to file evidence of the use of the mark in Japan or a declaration showing intent to use of the mark and a business plan in order to obtain registration.

A power of attorney is not required at the time of filing a new application. However, the power of attorney is required in some special situations, such as demanding an appeal and responding to the Notification Refusal with respect to the International Registration etc.

Trademark Registration in Japan

  • Trademark Registration in Japan Name of Office: Japan Patent Office
  • Address: 3-4-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8915, Japan
  • Phone number: +81-3-3581-0762

Office applies the current version of Nice Classification, you can find acceptable goods and services in this link.

Our professional trademark attorney in Japan will prepare and file your application for trademark registration in Japan.

Trademarks are filed at the Japan Patent Office, Japan uses the "first-to-file" policy. No evidence of use is required upon filing a trademark. Trademark protection is obtained by registration.

It can also be acquired by sufficient public recognition pursuant to Section 2, Paragraph 1 (i) and (ii) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law.

A mark that is used for retail services or wholesale services can be registered as a service mark.

Japan is a member of WIPO since 1975. Also, Japan is a member of the Madrid Agreement since July 8, 1953 and the Madrid Protocol since March 14, 2000.

With 117,000 trademark applications filed each year, only 25.000 are filed by foreign applicants, which demonstrates the understanding of how important the trademarks are for local businesses. You can access additional information regarding IP statistics in Japan here.


Fill out our simple trademark registration application online in just 5 minutes and a Trademark Search Specialist will contact you within 24 hours in order to guide you through the process.

Multiple-class applications are possible for Japanese trademarks.

If a trademark contains geographical names, the products it is used on must originate from the named country/territory. For example, if the trademark contains the word "USA", the goods must be produced in the USA.

At the time of filing an application with the JPO, the designated goods and designated services should be written in the Japanese language.

The typical reasons for trademark registration refusal are the cases in which:

  • goods/services are not designated in accordance with the classification of goods;
  • the content and scope of designated goods/services are not clear;
  • the current use or the intention to use of a trademark needs to be confirmed with regard to the designated goods or designated services claimed in applications. 

These are the main reasons for objections in Japan.

What is registrable as a trademark in Japan?

All distinctive and graphically representable signs are registrable as a trademark:

  1. words;
  2. graphics;
  3. symbols;
  4. colors;
  5. combination of colors;
  6. combination of signs;
  7. three-dimensional forms;
  8. any combination of the mentioned signs.

Sounds, movements, holograms and position marks can be registered as well.

Required Elements to File Your Brand in Japan

  1. Type of the applicant: individual or a company.
  2. Complete name of the owner.
  3. Full address of the business owner.
  4. Phone number - to contact you in case if any action is required.
  5. Mailing address - to forward you the certificate once the trademark is registered.
  6. List of goods/services.
  7. Class or classes.
  8. Trademark itself.

Duration: How Long Will it Take?

Trademark registration in Japan is valid for ten years starting from the registration date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years. Beginning 3 years following the registration date, registration will become vulnerable to non-use cancellation.

If after the registration date, the trademark is not used by the owner or its licensee for a 3-consecutive-year period, the trademark can be cancelled.

It is crucial to use the mark properly in Japan.

Trademark renewal in Japan

The trademarks' renewal (as well as their registration) in Japan is the Intellectual Property Department responsibility. Foreign citizens and companies must act through local patent attorneys. 

An application must be translated into Japanese. You can renew the trademark validity an unlimited number of times.

A trademark is renewable for a period of 10 years and valid from the registration grant date.

A mark can be renewed within 6 months before the expiration of the current trademark registration.

Deadline Calculation:

  • Filing date: 01.09.2019
  • Registration date: 01.09.2021
  • Expiration date: 01.09.2031
  • The earliest date for filing a renewal: 01.03.2031
  • Grace period starts and ends: 01.09.2031-01.03.2032

Please be informed that the dates are determined to the best of our knowledge and we take no responsibility if the calculations are incorrect. We recommend that you contact us with an actual case in order to determine the renewal date with the highest accuracy possible.

Trademark renewal schedule

The price is 679$ for one class. The government fee is included in the price. 

Japanese trademark renewal process

Please contact us using the following form in order to request a trademark renewal. The process is rather simple, our attorney will become your representative and will pay the renewal fee. 

Additional documents are not required, we will require only the trademark registration number to identify the registration to be renewed correctly.

How fast the process is?

The process takes approximately 1 week, and a Renewal Certificate is issued.

What if the deadline is missed?

After the expiration date a grace period of 6 months is provided to the registrant to renew the trademark paying an extra fee. 

After the end of the grace period the mark expires without any ways of restoration, a new mark must be filed. 

Government Fees to Register a TM in Japan

The official fee for filing an application is JPY 12,000.00 for first class and JPY 8,600 for each additional class. The official fee for filing a defensive application is JPY 24,000 and JPY 17,200 for each additional class.

The registration fee is JPY 28,200 with an effect of April 1, 2016.

There is no publication fee.

The payment of registration fee must be made within 30 days from the date on which a copy of the decision or the trial decision to grant a trademark registration has been transmitted.

If the registration fee is not paid during the period, the trademark application will be dismissed.

Our fees (15 Jun, 2022):

  • Trademark Search in one class: 119 USD
  • Additional class: 109 USD
  • Trademark Registration Request in one class: 569 USD
  • Additional class: 449 USD
  • Registration fees in one class: 599 USD
  • Additional class: 449 USD

Our fees include the official fees and the legal fees.

Our Services

We offer the following trademark services in Japan:

If you are interested in any of these services, please do not hesitate to contact us. Note, that the price for a registration request does not include the final registration fees in Japan

The prices do not include any legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections.

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