Name of Office: General Administration of Trademarks
Address: Ministry of Commerce and Industry Riyadh 11162
Phone number: (966 11) 294 47 80
The Trademark Office applies the current version of the Nice Classification, you can find acceptable goods and services in this link. Our professional trademark attorney in Saudi Arabia will prepare and file your trademark for registration in the country.
You obtain your trademark protection by registration in Saudi Arabia. Though, protection can also be acquired by sufficient public recognition.
Extensive Search & Study
We offer a free trademark search request, which targets identical trademarks - trademark lookup - online on this very page. There is no online database open to the public and our attorney will search for identical brands in Saudi Arabia for you. We will provide you with a list of identical trademarks within a business day.
If you require a more detailed trademark search in Saudi Arabia, request our Extensive Study.
Our experienced attorney will perform a comprehensive search to determine any potentially conflicting brands in Saudi Arabia.
To search for trademarks in the KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), you can follow these steps:
- Visit our website, we use tools with access to the database of the Saudi Arabian Intellectual Property Office (SAIPO).
- Enter your mark and your email address to receive results.
- You can search for wordmarks only. You can send your class or product/services details to our email address as a response to a confirmation email you will receive,.
- We will send you search results within a business day.
It is important to note that SAIPO's online database may not always be up-to-date. Our free search is the most reliable free tool on the Internet but it's as good as the database of the KSA.
Register a trademark in Saudi Arabia
When you register your trademark, you’ll be able to:
1. Take legal action against anyone who uses your brand without your permission, including counterfeiters.
2. Put the ® symbol next to your brand to show that it’s yours and warn others against using it.
3. Sell and license your brand. Saudi Arabia is a member of WIPO since 1982.
However, Saudi Arabia is not a member of the Madrid Protocol. With 7.400 trademark applications filed by residents, 10.800 are filed by foreign applicants, and 4.000 are filed abroad. You can access additional information regarding IP statistics in Saudi Arabia here.
Fill out our simple online form in just 5 minutes and a Trademark Specialist will contact you within 24 hours in order to guide you through the process.
A separate application has to be filed for each class. Note that no trademark protection can be achieved for alcoholic goods in class 33 and alcoholic beer in class 32, Christmas trees and related products in class 28, pork meat in class 29, as well as related retail services in class 35.
What is registrable as a trademark?
Names, words, signatures, letters, figures, drawings, logos, titles, hallmarks, seals, pictures, engravings, packs or any other mark or group of marks. The voice or odor shall be considered as part of the trademark.
What will be required to file your brand in Saudi Arabia?
- Type of the applicant: individual or a company.
- Complete name of the owner.
- Full address of the owner.
- Phone number - to contact you in case if any action is required.
- Mailing address - to forward you the certificate once the trademark is registered.
- List of goods/services.
- Class or classes.
- Trademark itself.
- Power of attorney (legalized).
- Chinese applicants need to provide a special power of attorney legalized at the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Registration Procedure & Requirements
Our attorney will file your trademark within 5 business days after receiving all the required documents. The whole registration process takes 3-5 months. The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks. The first office action is taken after approx. one week.
The opposition period is 60 days from publication date of the application in the Official Gazette, non-extendable.
The trademark application is published on the website of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI). Trademark registration certificates are issued electronically.
Duration: How Long Will it Take?
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years according to the Islamic calendar (approximately 9 years and 8 months according to the Gregorian calendar) as from the filing date.
The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years (9 years and 8 months).
Use of a trademark is not required for registration or renewal of a mark. However, a trademark may be cancelled by any interested party if no effective use of the mark proved for a period of 5 years.
Fees: How Much Will it Cost?
The official fee for filing a trademark application is SAR 1,000. The e-publication fee is SAR 3,000 for foreign companies and SAR 1,500 for local companies. The registration fee is SAR 5,000.
Our fees include the official fees and the legal fees.
If you are interested in any of these services, please do not hesitate to contact us.
📆 Trademark Renewals in Saudi Arabia
A trademark is renewable for a period of 10 years according to the Hegira (Islamic) calendar (approximately 9 years and 8 months according to the Gregorian calendar) as from the filing date.
- A mark can be renewed within the last year of the protection period.
- In Saudi Arabia we will require a copy of legalized Power of Attorney in order to start the process. We will prepare the document for you and you will sign it before a notary public and legalize it at the consulate of the country, the document then must be sent to our attorney in Saudi Arabia. The process is rather complicated but we will guide you through.
- The process takes approximately 1-2 weeks, and a Renewal Certificate is issued.
Trademark renewal in Saudi Arabia price
The price is 2989$ for one class. The government fee is included in the price.
Trademark renewal process
Please contact us using the following form in order to request a trademark renewal in Saudi Arabia. The process is rather simple, our attorney will become your representative and will pay the renewal fee.
What if the deadline is missed?
After the expiration date a grace period of 6 months is provided to the registrant to renew the trademark paying an extra fee 1000 SAR (265.93 USD).
After the end of the grace period the mark expires without any ways of restoration, a new mark must be filed.
- Filing date: 01.09.2019
- Registration date: 01.09.2021
- Renewal deadline: approximately 01.05.2029
- The earliest date for filing a renewal: 01.11.2028
- Grace period starts and ends: 01.05.2029-01.11.2029
Please be informed that the dates are determined to the best of our knowledge and we take no responsibility if the calculations are incorrect. We recommend that you contact us with an actual case in order to determine the renewal date with the highest accuracy possible.