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flag Trademark Registration in the UK

Trademark Search in United Kingdom

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$429 £ ¥
one class with government fees

Trademark Registration in United Kingdom

Work with a local trademark attorney to file your trademark for registration. Take advantage of our easy, fast & efficient process. No hidden fees.

  • Experienced attorneys in every country
  • Competitive prices with zero hidden fees
  • 5000+ happy clients & many positive reviews
  • Free consultations with no obligations
  • Personal account manager dedicated to your success

Trademark application form for United Kingdom

Submit an online form in order to request your trademark registration in United Kingdom. You can pay later or have your personal consultant check your form first.

Complete 4 steps in 7 minutes
  • Current Contacts info
  • Trademark info
  • Additional services
  • Complete
  • Review and Submit


Check if your trademark is available for registration.

The results will resolve any doubts regarding your mark and give you confidence in the outcome of the registration process.

$89 £ ¥


Our AI search will constantly monitor Trademark Registers for any similar marks.

We'll manually check the results and regularly deliver reports of any conflicting marks allowing you to enforce your rights.

$99 £ ¥


Request a cost-effective trademark renewal in 150+ countries, don’t let your trademark expire.

Contact us for our online renewal process.

$549 £ ¥

Contact Us

Trademark Costs in the UK

Learn more about our services & prices in the country
1st class Extra class
Filing Request $429 159
Filing Request (Combined Mark) $429 159
Renewal $549 Ask

Trademark registration process in the UK explained in 1 minute

  1. Applying for your mark (we pay all the government fees and submit the application)
  2. Formal examination (if the list of goods/services is correct, if other details are correct)
  3. Substantial examination (if the mark is unique and registrable)
  4. Publication (allowing the public and other business to object against the mark registration)
  5. Registration and a Digital Certificate is issued

Our price includes an unlimited list of products in 1 class, legal and government fees and responding to minor objections. The process takes 4-6 months and no additional documents are required to start the filing process. Any company/individual may own a trademark in the UK.

How to apply for a trademark registration in the UK

Our legal team will file your trademark in the United Kingdom within a day. You’ll get an approval report or an objection letter (an ‘examination report’) within 20 days and you will have 2 months to resolve any problems, in some cases we can solve the issues free of charge. If the examiner has no objections, your application will be published in the trademarks journal for 2 months, during which time anyone can oppose it. The trademark will be registered within 2 months after this.

✅ Read More how to apply for a mark in the UK

UK Trademark RegistrationFiling plan:

1. Start with a Free TM Search. We will check if there are any obvious conflicts. You will know if it's worth moving forward with the mark.

2. Attorney's opinion (a.k.a. Study) In some cases we may recommend asking our attorney to review the case and prepare a detailed registration report. That's an optional non-obligatory service.

3. Request registration. The process is completely online and we'll request your mark within 3-5 days and you will get a filing confirmation.

The UK is a member of the WIPO Madrid Protocol and was a member of the European Union. A registration provides protection for the trademark in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and automatically extends to the British Indian Ocean Territory, the Falkland Islands, and the Isle of Man

Common law rights are difficult and expensive to enforce; therefore, it is advisable to register your brand in the United Kingdom. Brands are registered for periods of 10 years and the process in the UK is quite straightforward, only 20% of all applications are objected and most of the are overcome without any extra costs from applicants.

💵 UK Trademark Registration Cost

The official fee for filing a trademark application in the UK is GBP 200 for one class and GBP 50 for each additional class. It's included in our listed price.

Applications made through the online application form (e-TM3), which include the full payment at the time of filing, will qualify for a discount of GBP 30 of the total cost

There is no official registration or publication fee

Please note, that a UK trademark can be used in the Amazon Brand Register on

➡️ UK Trademark Registration Procedure, Requirements 

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. Address of the applicant
  3. Description of products/services the applicant commercializes
  4. Name of the trademark or/and the logo



Detailed Prices & Costs

Learn the prices for all the services in the UK
Trademark Registration Services in the UK
Service Type Price, USD
Filing, extra class 159 (Gov. fee included)
Assignment/Trademark Transfer 170 (Gov. fee included)
Responses to non-substantial objections Free
Responses to substantial objections 450
Responding to Opposition 650
Filing an opposition 900
Invalidation Action 950
Change of Address/Name 70
Change of Representative 70
Renewal, 1st class 549 (gov. fee included)
Renewal, extra class 70-80 (only the gov. fee)

The prices are approximate for responses to objection and oppositions. This is an estimate and the price might be lower or higher by 20-30% depending on the case. All other prices are accurate and include all the fees.

* Non-substantial - correct description, respond to simple request of the Office, explain the owner type, replace non-acceptable products/services.

** Substantial - objections against descriptive, generic, misleading marks, or non-registrable marks.



5 reasons to register your trademark in the United Kingdom.

1. Do not let anyone register your brand and start using it as their own. When they own the brand, they can even sue you!

Read more 5 reasons to register your mark


2. Prevent others from scaring away your loyal clients.

3. Create a franchise and conquer foreign markets. Selling abroad is impossible without securing a trademark there first. Otherwise, it’s like leaving the door open for trouble.

4. Bring your business to a new level and make it more respectable. Owning an ® is a sign of success! What unites all Fortune 500 companies is that they all own a number of types of Intellectual Property. Trademarks are the very foundation of their success.

5. Protect your money from patent-trolls. There are a number of companies that want to steal your mark without any intention of using it and become a nuisance right when you think that things are going the right way.

You can register a trademark in the UK to protect your brand, e.g. the name of your product or service. The UK is a "first to use" country; however, we recommend registering your trademark to avoid any possible infringement of others' rights.

Trademark Renewals in the United Kingdom

A trademark is renewable for a period of 10 years and valid from the filing date.

A mark can be renewed within 6 months before the expiration of the current trademark registration.

Read more Trademark Renewals in the United Kingdom

 📅  Deadline for Renewal Calculation:

Filing date: 01.09.2019

Registration date: 01.09.2021

Expiration date: 01.09.2029

The earliest date for filing a renewal: 01.03.2029

Grace period starts and ends: 01.09.2029-01.03.2030

Please be informed that the dates are determined to the best of our knowledge and we take no responsibility if the calculations are incorrect. We recommend that you contact us with an actual case in order to determine the renewal date with the highest accuracy possible.

Trademark renewal price

The price is 489$ for one class. The government fee is included in the price. 

Trademark renewal process

Please contact us using the following form in order to request a trademark renewal. The process is rather simple, our attorney will become your representative and will pay the renewal fee. 

Additional documents are not required, we will require only the trademark registration number to identify the registration to be renewed correctly.

The process takes approximately 1-3 days, and a Renewal Certificate is issued.

What if the deadline is missed?

After the expiration date a grace period of 6 months is provided to the registrant to renew the trademark paying an extra fee.

After the end of the grace period the mark expires without any ways of restoration, a new mark must be filed. 

United Kingdom Trademark Office

United Kingdom Trademark Office

Address: Concept House, Cardiff Rd, Duffryn, Newport NP10 8QQ 
Telephone: +44 (0) 1633 814000

Outside UK 0300 300 2000 Enquiries

Free United Kingdom Trademark Search

When filing a trademark, it’s crucial to check if it is available. Similar trademarks associated with similar products or services can’t coexist. The registration process can take up to a year, and the search allows you to confirm that your mark is unique and can be accepted for registration. There is hardly a thing worse than wasting months waiting for the registration of a mark already taken.

Read more about the UK Free Trademark Search


To be forced to change the mark after mass production started is the worst thing to happen. Check out our diagram of relative costs to modify the trademark.  

We will search for your trademark on the Trademark Database of the UK. Our free search is for identical or very similar marks. These apparent conflicts signal that there might be problems with the trademark; if you can, you can change it right now. Our paid detailed search will help reveal less obvious conflicts, for example, the brand similar in sound or visually. 

When searching for confusingly similar marks, there are four main steps.

1. Search for identical marks

This part is free. Request your search online, and we will check for identical marks, which can prevent your trademark from registration. You can search for brands in the UK Trademark Database - (a service provided by the Trademark Office of the UK). 

Also, you need to determine the correct class your product falls into. If there is an identical mark in class 9 for mobile phones and you sell apples, it’s unlikely that there will be any confusion between 2 marks. 

2. Check if your trademark is registrable.

Descriptive marks can’t be registered (Sweet Candies for candies is descriptive). Make sure your mark does not describe your product, its ingredient, or its qualities. Names of countries, cities, and geographical locations are also unregistrable. 

Weak and strong trademarks

3. Search for Similar marks

Similar marks can’t coexist if used on similar products or associated with similar services. A trademark can be similar conceptually, phonetically and visually. 

  • A phonetically similar mark is a mark that sounds similar to another trademark: Aple and Apple are confusingly similar.
  • A visually similar mark is a mark that looks similar to a registered mark: PUMA and RUMA are visually similar. 
  • A conceptually similar mark is the most uncertain type of similarity. If the regular consumer has the same impression when he sees two similar marks in the actual marketplace, these marks are conceptually similar. For example, Apple and Pineapple for fast food can be conceptually similar. 

In the UK, the examiner will also perform the trademark search in related classes.

4. Determining the probability of registration

Here, you need to determine if the mark is registrable and if there are any confusingly similar marks. If there is a similar mark, can your mark coexist with this mark? If it can't, is there a way to allow them to coexist? Our attorney will respond to these questions and provide you with the probability of registration.

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